Recent Entries

  • How AI Reshapes the Cybersecurity Landscape

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been developing at a rapid pace and has been integrated into a growing number of applications across every industry. AI continues to widen its capabilities to assist in a variety of daily tasks but, as can be expected with any Internet-based technology, AI also has a...
  • Healthcare's AI Revolution: Reshaping Policy for a New Era

    We live in an ecosystem where we desire a personalized experience, from music to web series, and the products and services we purchase are often recommended to us based on the data that is collected by these websites or applications. This ability lets us understand our needs and wants for a better ...
  • Mitigating Cyber Risks Through Strategic Third-Party Management

    In today’s interconnected business environment, companies regularly rely on third parties for critical business functions like supply chain, IT services, and more. While these relationships can provide efficiency and expertise, they also introduce new cybersecurity risks that must be managed. ...
  • Brains & Brawn: How AI and IoT Are Reshaping Our World

    In today’s digital era, the merge of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has kicked off a tech revolution that tends to reshape numerous industries across the globe with a vision that this transformation helps businesses enhance efficiency and drives innovations at an...
  • AITech Interview with Elad Inbar, Founder and CEO at RobotLAB

    Elad, Can you please share your personal journey with robotics from childhood to founding RobotLAB. How has the perception and utility of robots changed over the years? I’ve loved robots since I was a child. I loved building them, programming them and inventing new creations, but for many yea...
  • Robotics Is Changing the Roles of C-suites

    In recent years, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have witnessed a surge in popularity, and it’s anticipated to expand as organizations become more dependent on AI solutions to address issues. Numerous tech giants, like Amazon, Apple, and Alibaba, have already started to explore the...
  • Chatbots' Hidden Impact on Business Performance

    Chatbots, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), are fundamentally changing how businesses operate and enhancing productivity and efficiency. Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users via text or voice. From simple FAQ bots to complex virtual agents, chatbot...
  • Buying Advice to Tackle AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management

    In this technologically dominated era, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a trend in numerous industries across the globe. With this development of technology, AI brings potential risks like malicious attacks, data leakage, and tampering. Thus, companies are going beyond tra...
  • Arun Shrestha, Co-founder and CEO at BeyondID - AITech Intervie

    Can you provide a brief overview of your background and your current role as the Co-founder and CEO at BeyondID? I have over 20 years of building and leading enterprise software and services companies. As CEO, I’m committed to building a world class organization with the mission of helping ou...
  • Bridging the Gap: Humans and AI Goals in Harmony

    Artificial Intelligence will improve our lives in many ways, from safe, automated mobility to time-saving tasks. With constant innovation, AI systems will become far more capable, possibly equaling or exceeding human-level performance at most intellectual tasks. AI is one of the most important tech...
  • Key trends in AI, ECommerce and Advertising

    While there’s no shortage of uncertainty as we countdown to 2024, the crystal ball seems to have a few things in focus for the next trip around the sun. From the long-anticipated shift from third-party cookies to first-party data to the harnessing of AI and the evolution of eCommerce, here are...
  • The Rise of Low-Code and No-Code Solutions in Business

    For many years, there have been two routes that businesses take on their way to application development: buying ready-made apps from an external vendor or building these apps from scratch using skilled developers and codes. However, in the last few decades, the scenarios have changed with the rise ...