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Astrological Birth Chart: Janam Kundli Online

  • Astrological Birth Chart: Janam Kundli online is known as Rasi Chart or Natal Chart. Most Vedic astrologers follow this Rasi chart to analyze future life predictions. Birth chart represented by different names like "Kundli" or "Jathakam" or Jataka or Rasi circle or Bith kundli. In Vedic astrology birth chart explains the position of stars/planets at the time of your birth in the place where you were born. The following details are required to generate a correct Rasi chart:

    1. Exact date and time of birth
    2. Time zone of place of birth.
    3. Geolocation (latitude and longitude) of the place of birth.
    4. Sunrise on the birthday (position of the Sun (Degree) in terms of the place of birth).

    Online Janam Kundli hindi, Janam Patri or Janam Kundli online is an astrological report about the position of planets in your life based on birth details. Astrological detailed chart of the current position of the planets at the time of the person's birth. Kundli is prepared by Vedic astrologers. There are many websites available these days but providing the best and 100% accurate Janam Patri to the end user is also important. Creating an accurate Janam Patri / birth chart based on a person's birth details like date, time and place of birth. We also provide free predictions when user decided to prepare Janam Patri. Astroeshop will guarantee you quality services and customer satisfaction. If something goes wrong, get your money back.


    Online Kundali – Its Benefits

    Nowadays Matchmaking Kundli online and free Janam Kundal analysis is a common and very popular means of getting future predictions. Online Kundali report proves to be very reliable and helpful when prepared by educated and experienced astrologers who can accurately predict your future and characteristics.


    The purpose of a horoscope

    A horoscope is not just a simple diagram that shows the planetary position in the zodiac belt at the time for which the horoscope is made. An astrologer carefully analyzes a person's horoscope and creates detailed and specific reports based on the information that is deciphered from the horoscope.

    The horoscope is the key to opening a cosmic gateway that provides invaluable guidance for approaching life in ways that ensure minimum friction and maximum prospects for success.

    Benefits of horoscope

    The horoscope becomes a critical tool in providing incredible insights into what the planets hold for various aspects of our lives. It reveals what each planet means to us and how we can design a timely course correction to steer our lives from obstacles to success.

    The planets simply give us the results of our karma from our previous lives in this current life. Once we identify the planets that are ready to give us the punishing results of disturbing karmas of our past lives and also the time period when these results would manifest in the form of obstacles/failures, we can take some precautions in advance. and incorporate timely astrological means to minimize such negative results.


    Reasons to choose a personal online horoscope report?

    Horoscope forms the very basis of a detailed personal online horoscope report, which is very useful because it contains vital information about the trajectory of a person's overall life, as well as how certain key and specific areas of a person's life are "originally" designed. plan.

    In addition, such a report offers a comprehensive analysis of our natal horoscope along with effective astrological instructions or remedies that are derived based on the planetary effects we should have in our lives.

    The remedial measures that one gets after analyzing one's natal horoscope are recommended after extensive study to categorically avert the negative planetary influences which are actually the root cause of the obstacles or failures one is facing in one's life. /her life.

    The preparation of each horoscope report involves in-depth and comprehensive research and the final product always comes out as a true manifestation of the life-transforming wisdom of the divine occult sciences.

    Astroeshop offers various horoscope models/reports based on Vedic astrology Janam Kundli and other complementary occult sciences and one can choose any horoscope report according to their choice or requirements.


    Janam Kundli Online can be beneficial in many ways:

    • With the help of online Janam Kundli Hindi,  an astrologer can predict your future in the most accurate way.
    • According to the placement of the planets in your Kundli, you can choose the most suitable career choice that is in harmony with your personality.
    • It can give you detailed information about your personality traits, relationships, marriage, career, finances and other aspects of life.
    • It can help you find your lucky gem, lucky colors and lucky numbers that help your success and happiness in various aspects of life.
    • Kundli not only provides information about your future but can also help to find solutions to reduce the depth of problems.
    • Janam Kundli online highlights doshas like Mangal Dosha and Kaal Sarp Dosha, so these doshas can be resolved with Dosha Nivaran Puja.
    • Birth Kundli also predicts favorable and unfavorable timings in life.


    You can find your strengths and weaknesses to help you become a better person.

    The Natal Chart shows and warns you of diseases and misfortunes that are likely to befall you in the future.