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The Hidden Workplace Challenges for Migrant Workers and Ex-pats

  • Globalization is changing the business world as we know it, and more people are taking notice and positioning themselves to work abroad. In fact, there are roughly 281 million migrant workers worldwide

    People from financially struggling countries are the ones who most often seek employment overseas, with the primary motivation being the prospect of landing a better job and generating more income. Currently, the United States has over 50 million migrant workers, the largest in the world.


    While working abroad can give you new and exciting career opportunities and valuable experience, it has its fair share of challenges. If you want to work overseas, you must know a few things before packing your bags.

    In this article, we’ll discuss the merits of working abroad and the potential challenges migrant workers may face when they work in another country.


    Why You Should Work Abroad

    While many assume that working in a different country is solely about earning money, there are several other reasons to consider working abroad. Below are some things to consider if you plan to work away from home.


    • Career advancement


    When you work abroad, you open yourself to new job opportunities and career paths. You can learn new skills and gain valuable experience to help you advance in your field. Plus, having international work experience on your resume can make you a more competitive candidate for future jobs. Employers value candidates with global experience, as they bring a unique perspective and skill set to the table.

    Furthermore, working abroad demonstrates your adaptability, resilience, and cross-cultural communication skills, all of which are highly valued in today's globalized job market. If you're considering working abroad, it's worth noting that the experience can offer long-term benefits to your career growth and development.


    • Personal growth


    Apart from the professional benefits, traveling and working in another country enables you to embark on a unique journey that can profoundly change your life. 

    It can be thrilling and intimidating to be in a new environment since it puts you in situations where you must act and think differently. However, in the end, the knowledge you obtain will help you develop into a more adaptable, kind, and professional person with a broader outlook on life.


    • Cultural immersion


    There are more exciting things than living and working in a foreign country. When you’re in an unfamiliar place, you have many opportunities to learn about different cultures. Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient traditions or sampling the latest culinary trends, working abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you’ll never forget.


    4 Hidden Challenges of Working Abroad

    Seeking employment overseas provides many benefits, from career advancement to cultural immersion. Unfortunately, everything has its downsides, and working abroad is no exception. Below are some challenges you may experience if you decide to work overseas.


    • Language barriers


    You may find it hard to communicate with your colleagues if you don’t understand and speak their local language. This language barrier can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of communication, ultimately affecting your job performance and overall job satisfaction.

    To avoid miscommunication and feelings of isolation, you must proactively learn the language of the country you’re in. Check with your employers about possible language courses you can take to bridge the communication gap.

    In the meantime, use translation software and apps to learn the language and speak with your colleagues. Remember that these tools are sometimes unreliable and can lead to further misunderstanding, so don’t rely heavily on them daily. 


    • Cultural differences


    Different cultures may communicate, socialize, and conduct business differently. As a foreigner, you may feel overwhelmed and confused with the customs of the country you’re in.

    As such, research and learn about the culture of the location you’ll be working at ahead of time to prepare yourself. Some companies may offer cultural training to foreign employees to help them adapt to their new environment. Ask your employer if they can help you access these resources.

    It’s crucial to approach cultural differences with an open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt.


    • Power dynamics


    Employers or coworkers may sometimes subject you to unjust working conditions. They may antagonize you because of your race, ethnicity, and nationality, among other characteristics. To fit in, you may feel pressured to adhere to your colleague’s expectations, which can lead to a loss of personal autonomy and agency.

    To avoid falling for these situations, you must stand up for yourself and be assertive while maintaining a sense of professionalism. You should also know the legal protections and available resources to inform you of your rights. 

    Some laws require employers to provide migrant workers with certain protections and benefits, such as health insurance and safe working conditions.


    • Social isolation


    Working away from your family and community can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, significantly affecting your mental health and job performance.

    Building social connections with colleagues or local communities is crucial to combat these feelings and improve your overall well-being and job satisfaction. A dedicated support system can help you feel like you belong and offer the necessary support to thrive in your new environment.


    Measures to Protect Yourself

    Working abroad can be an enriching but challenging experience. Migrant workers may face language barriers, cultural differences, and power dynamics in their new workplaces that can discourage them from ever finding a job outside their home countries. 

    Fortunately, you shouldn’t have to feel that way, as overcoming all the challenges you may face will be much easier if you know when you should be assertive and how to protect yourself from harassment and discrimination. We hope you find this blog post helpful, especially if you’re strongly considering a job in a different country.