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The 7 Steps to Assist in Online Quran Memorization

  • For numerous reasons, memorization of the Holy Quran is a duty for all Muslims, regardless of gender, age, or experience. The first is that learning the hifz Quran improves one's relationship with Allah. The second argument is that those who commit the Quran to memory will reap significant benefits.

    These days, many online Quran academies assist Muslims worldwide in memorizing the Quran, owing to the rapid advancements in technology and the internet.

    Here are seven pointers to assist you to find the greatest online method for memorizing the Quran:

    1. Sincerity:

    You should sincerely intend to memorize the Quran in order to appease Allah and reap the wonderful benefits He has in store for those who do so. "Actions are judged according to the intentions," says the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Therefore, the individual will not strengthen their relationship with Allah or even receive any of the rewards set out for the hafiz of the Quran if they do not have a true aim.

    2. Create a schedule for memorizing the Quran:

    It's hard to memorize the Holy Quran, but you may make it much easier by making a timetable and sticking to it to memorize the Quran online. Additionally, pick a quiet area where you may easily memorize the Quran to ensure that you won't be disturbed or distracted.

    3. Consistency:

    You should stick to the online Quran memorization timetable you created and never skip a day without learning a single verse. In worship, there is no weekend. 

    4- Recognise the meaning:

    Read the interpretation of the Surah that you wish to commit to memory to simplify memorizing the hafiz Quran. You may draw connections between the passages thanks to the interpretation, and understanding the significance of each verse will help you remember it more quickly.

    5. Short Surah:

    Whether you are an adult or a child, start by memorizing a brief surah from Juza' Amma. This is because the verses are brief, which will aid in and facilitate your memorization of the Quran.

    6- Listening and repetition:

    You should listen to the pronunciation of the verse before reciting it alone to ensure that you are reading the Quran with tajweed guidelines in such verses. 

    To ensure that the passage has stayed in your memory once you have committed it to memory, recite it aloud at least five times. Reciting the Surah that you have committed to memory throughout your prayers is an additional method of repetition.

    Additionally, if you memorize more than one surah, go over each one once every five days, for example. While going about your everyday business, you can also recite the new passages you have just learned by heart. You'll find it much easier to remember and retain the information in all these methods.

    7. Seek expert assistance:

    Working with a professional teacher to help you memorize the Holy Quran will make the process much simpler for you since they will also give you the other six guidelines that were previously discussed. Therefore, you should pick the best online Quran academy that offers the greatest online Quran lecturers and the best classes for memorizing the Quran.